Sea Glass

Luci Shaw

book cover

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Retail Price: $22.00
Subject Category: Poetry
Length: 243 pages
Size: 6 x 9 inches
Binding: paper
Published: May 2016
ISBN: 978-1-60226-017-7


"Throughout these latest offerings—whose gestures alternate between vertiginous abstraction and lucid particularity—one hears the connective tissue of Luci Shaw's familiar and reassuring voice pressing for wisdom, substantial faith, and a glimpse of the Real upholding all we see."

Scott Cairns, author of Slow Pilgrim and Short Trip to the Edge

"For decades now, Luci Shaw has shown Christian readers that poetry can infuse and enrich their faith. The prayers and praises of her poems—searching mysteries from elm trees and eye motes to echocardiograms and the Incarnation—serve as ways for the Spirit to speak. In Shaw's shimmering Sea Glass, we see and hear the ways that the word and the Word can dwell both in the world and in us."

Tania Runyan, author of A Thousand Vessels and Second Sky

"Luci Shaw's Sea Glass is a rich, generous, generative collection. The new poems about age and maturity are radiant with 'new born light,' with that sense of the early morning freshness of things that Shaw is so good at conveying and into which she constantly invites you. Her poetry is as hospitable as the great tree in her poem 'The Old Oak Remembers.' The leaves of this book, like the leaves of that tree, open like love notes to the reader, and the branches of these wise and beautiful poems are 'springboards for flight.'"

Malcom Guite, author of The Singing Bowl and Parable and Paradox