Brave New Wanda

Lynda Rutledge

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Retail Price: $13.00
Subject Category: Young Adult Fiction
Length: 191 pages
Size: 5.5 x 8.25 inches
Binding: paper
Published: June 2004
ISBN: 978-0-9743427-5-7


"Clever and idiosyncratic . . . Anne Tyler-esque humor."

Illinois Arts Council, Prose Fellowship Competition

A nifty novel: fluent, funny and touching. It would make a terrific movie."

John Casey, National Book Award Winner, Spartina

"Swiftly paced and punctuated by moments of biting humor, Rutledge's story deftly investigates the medicine, the ethical implications, and the human effects of our advancing technology of birth."

The New Pantagruel (1:4, Fall 2004)